Pain emanating from the areas of the mouth and face is referred to as “orofacial pain.” The pain originates from joints, muscles, or nerves anywhere in the head, neck, face, mouth, gums, or teeth. These aches could be the consequence of distant referrals, diseases of the regional structures, or problems with the nervous system. If orofacial discomfort lasts longer than three months, it can be considered chronic. While some patients have dystonias (involuntary muscular contractions), which cause their jaws to click or lock, others suffer pain in their ears, eyes, sinuses, cheeks, or side of the head.

Persistent neuropathic (nerve) pain is a common cause of orofacial discomfort. It might arise after facial surgery, dental procedures, or other medical procedures. Infections, cancer, head and neck trauma, poor ergonomics, clenching or grinding teeth, and underlying medical conditions like multiple sclerosis can all be causes.


Individuals with oral issues are more likely to experience orofacial pain. Major issues such an uneven bite, missing teeth, or misaligned teeth must be addressed since they put strain on the muscles that pull teeth together.

Why do people get orofacial pain? Orofacial discomfort can have various causes.

  • Odontogenic pain (from your teethor associated dental issues)
  • Musculoskeletal pain (from your muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, or bones)
  • Vascular pain (from issues with your blood vessels or circulation)
  • Neuropathic pain (from damage, dysfunction, or disease in your nervous system)
  • Pain referred from elsewhere in your body (like headaches or pain in your ears, nose, and throat)
  • Pain following a surgical procedure
  • Pain from other medical conditions

For more information on orofacial management, and to curb this pain in its early stages, please contact our clinic – Dr. Ramisz Dental & Facial Cosmetic Clinic.