Cysts and jaw tumours are uncommon growths or lesions that occur in the soft tissues of the mouth and face, or in the jawbone itself.

The size and severity of jaw tumours and cysts can vary widely; they are sometimes referred to as odontogenic or nonodontogenic, depending on where they originate.

These growths can be aggressive, expanding, dislodging, or destroying the surrounding bone, tissue, and teeth, although they are mostly benign (noncancerous).

Jaw tumours and cysts are often asymptomatic and only become apparent on routine screening X-rays performed for other purposes.

See your dentist or primary care physician if you think you might have signs of a cyst or tumour in your jaw. In the event that a jaw tumour or cyst is identified, your primary care physician may recommend that you see a specialist for further testing and treatment.

Treatment will be tailored to your specific needs based on the type of cyst or tumour that has been diagnosed. There will have been a discussion about the nature of your condition, as well as the best solutions and results.