Acne arises when oil and dead cells plug a hair follicle. Our skin is kept smooth and protected by sebum, the natural oil secreted by hair follicles. This obstruction when there is an overabundance of oil because it contains bacteria causes an infection in the hair follicle, or pore, as it may sometimes be called. Since these are the hair follicles that create the most oil, acne usually occurs on the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders.
- Nodulocystic acne
- Acne conglobate
- Acne fulminans
- Infantile acne
Regretfully, there is little chance of totally removing acne scars once they develop. Usually, the only thing we can do is try to lessen the visibility of the scars. This is why it’s critical to treat acne as soon as possible to avoid scarring.
The ideal acne scar therapy (or mix of therapies) will essentially depend on your skin type, scar depth, and scar form. To achieve the greatest outcomes, a combination of treatment options may be necessary, as most people have a range of scar shapes and depths.
Our medical-grade skin treatments remove and repair old scar tissue in addition to promoting the formation of new collagen, giving you smoother, more youthful-looking skin. When visible correction of depressions is observed, skin tone and texture improve.
Benefits of Acne Scarring Treatment
- Instant Acne Scar removal
- Eliminate dark spots
- Smooth out textured skin
- Acne Prevention
Dr. Ramisz Dental & Facial Cosmetic Clinic offers the widest selection of acne scar removal treatment solutions. Your skin’s appearance and texture can be enhanced by our skill in eliminating acne scarring.
Each and every procedure at Dr. Ramisz Dental & Facial Cosmetic Clinic is customised for your unique scars. Schedule a visit with one of our skilled doctors who specialises in treating acne scars; they have the know-how to permanently improve the texture of your skin.